Alligator Alley

We are a small company with only a few employees.  Most are part-time and attend school or college or have another full-time job.  When openings arise, we look through the résumés in our files.

Alligator Alley is not necessarily an easy place to work (there are always cages to be cleaned), and starting pay is close to minimum wage, but for someone who enjoys working with reptiles, it can be more rewarding than most part-time jobs.  It also can provide good experience for a student interested in pursuing a career in the biological sciences.
If you have some experience with reptiles or other pets, or retail store experience and are interested in a job, bring in a resume' that tells us why you would be the best person to hire when our next opening arises.  Be sure to list the type of  experience you have, and what days and hours you would be available. And make certain that your contact information is up-to-date, we can't hire you if we can't reach you.  We will keep your information on file and consider all résumés when an opening becomes available.
